Saturday, July 27, 2013

Trees, beware!

The old guy went yesterday and ordered the logs.  Trees, beware, they are coming for you.

Per the log home folks, it will be at  least 30 days before the logs are ready to be delivered.  I can see it now,  a couple guys are out in the log yard on a scavenger hunt, looking for just the right sticks to make our house work.  Kinda like the little wrens that continue to build in our bird house.  Is this one little stick just right?  Nope.  Throw it away, or just drop it where you made that determination.  I suspect they are far more organized, but that was the first thing that came to mind. 

This means that we have aboout 30 days or so to get the foundation dug and built and to get any other readiness tasks that are required completed. It is my understanding that one of our great grand sons may not be able to participate in the ground breaking ceremony.  He has a prior obligation.  He has promised to dig Gramma Kym a pond with his digging spoon.  I think he better get digging, he is going to have a busy summer.  I hope he gets to take a break and come and dig at the Farm for an afternoon.  Maybe it could be considered training camp? 

In the mean time, we continue to wait for permits. And the rain continues.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mother May I. The government version.

The old guy has been trying for days to get builidng permits.  Yes, he should probably let the builder do this, as it is one of the things we are paying him to do, but...  You all know the old guy.  You need to go one place to get a number or a form to take to another place so they can look at it and direct you to another place that sends you back to the first place.  Then you need to have things notarized, attach diagrams or photos or such nonsense and return to one of the places.  They then take your stuff, review it, and indicate they will be forwarding it to another place where a number of people will review it, think about it, review it again and then decide if it is okay and, hopefully, email a permit or two.

This will not happen in a day, or while he waits. Maybe 12-14 or so.  He is pissed.  Like I said, you all know him, so what else would we expect?  No jumping and asking how high on the way down.  No genuflection. Absolutely no conformation to his requirements and/or personal timeframe or schedule. Like I said,  he is pissed.  For my sake, I hope they look and decide quickly.

On another, lighter note, the driveway foundation guy was there last night to look things over and, he thought, stake out the foundation.  No stakes.  Later, just before they dig.  Someone might move a stake or one may fall over or be stolen by gypsies. But, he gave him an interesting premise.  The driveway needs some clean fill dirt to make it wider.  Really?  He asked if we had considered a pond in the lower part of the property, near the bottom of the driveway in the wet soggy part?  It might relieve some of the sog and provide dirt for the widening process. No, not really, but maybe. So, now he has something else to think about.

In ther interim, I am continuing the intervention. My niece suggested a little wine might help?  Or another adult beverage?  Maybe.  Just maybe this might be of some assistance or maybe I just won't remember part of the experience.  Either way, I may try it.  I will let you know if it helps.


Sunday, July 21, 2013

I am having an intervention with myself.

I am, and I am losing. 

Remember when I said I was going to try to get my "stuff" in order before prying eyes returned?  Well.  He came home last night.  And I am not even really getting started.  And I am shocked and horrified.  I need an intervention and I am not even done with the stitching stuff.  I have not even touched the knitting, sewing and quilting "stuff".  I am so embarrased.  If I don't buy another thing ever, I will not get it all done.  Ever. 

You know how you come in and you put your treasure in the place where you put your treasures.  But, because you aren't ready to use said treasure, it stays in the bag it came in.  And it becomes invisible!  I mean it.  Out of sight out of mind is real. There is no need to try to hide things, they are invisible as soon as they come into the house.  At least to us.  Not, however, to the rest of the world.  Oh, no, they can see them.  In all their glory.  And they give you knowing looks and make those tsk tsk noises and raise their eyebrows at you.  But why, you say?  Because there is nothing there, really, there isn't .   

Not only is it invisible but we have also conveniently forgotten what we brought in.  Sometimes we even bring the same thing in more than once.  Now this, thank goodness, is something I rarely do. If I did, this intervention would need to be much longer and far more severe in nature. Although I cannot see anything or really remember it either, if I look at a duplicatiion something in the back of my mind says, "Step away.  You might already have that."  I usually can listen to that still, small voice, but other times, I ignore it and bring home an extra whatever. But it is weeks, sometimes years before you discover the "extra" and there is no turning back then.  It is too late.

So, now you know at least part of how I got where I am tonight.  Hopefully, this experience will allow me to say no to whatever the next temptation is that I find.  I am trying to tell myself that I really need nothing more at this time.  Unless it is something to finish one of those invisible treasures that has come out of hiding. Wish me luck.  I think I need it.  And more boxes...

Saturday, July 20, 2013

It is raining. Again.

It is Ohio.  And, again, it is raining. This summer it has rained almost everyday, so far. It is a very good thing that there is no pool, oops, I mean basement, on the property yet.  If there was, well, we would have a pool.  With frogs.  Maybe fish.  No cabana boys.

Really, we have another torrential rain going on right now.  Very tropical like downpour with fog this time.  Or maybe it is mist.  It looks very scary movie outside right now.  Like the swamp monster is going to just appear in the window kind of scary.  It also has thunder and lightening, but no ominous music.  That would be kind of weird.

The old guy is supposed to be home tonight, weather permitting his air travel to be completed. I can imagine that we will be into it at full speed tomorrow and Monday to get things rolling. Then the next time he has to leave, maybe things can go along without his presence.  The builder and the boy, Johnny, will keep things moving along.  I have the new account set up and the direct deposit has been changed so that when the time comes, the mortgage payment will be deducted without any further need for us to do anything.  This is comforting. 

So, now we wait.  For the basement to be dug and the masonry to be finished so that the logs may come and be set.  And for the rain to stop.  A pool isn't really in the plan at this time.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Idaho called. We are having a short Intermission...

Summer fire season has interupted the process, hopefully for only a short time, this time. 

This intermission should not be too long, at least as it is right now.  Grass fires in the West do not last long, unless they marry up with timber or residences or something with more fuel.  When he gets back we will move quickly to get things in motion so that when he goes the next time, no intermission will be required.

In the meantime, I have decided to begin the weeding out process.  We have been here since 1979.  It is possible that there may be at least a box or two of stuff that has ceased to be important.  Or necessary. Or useful in any way.  What do you think? 

First up, and to be done while inquiring minds and eyes are busy far far away, is my "stuff".  Crafters across the world know of what I speak. If we move within a year, I feel I may not need my entire stash of knitting or stitching supplies and patterns and books, etc.  If I am selective I think I can keep out what I need and possibly pack the remainder.  As long as I know where they are and can access them if I need to do so,  I am comfortable with this.  I have decided that I will try and finish as many of the UFO's that I can before moving. Based on what I found Sunday, this might be doable. Maybe.  No new projects, unless I have a specific purpose and goal for them, Monday night knitting projects excluded.  There are limits, after all. 

Right now, my living room looks like a bomb hit.  I need to find some storage boxes and start putting
things in order so that I might be able to find something should I need to do so. I wonder if the Dollar Store or Odd Lots has cheap, dependable plastic?  I guess I will have to go see for myself.  Or Staples?  Or Walmart?  Looks like I need to get off my chair and go see what I can find.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Now What?

In thinking about this, I find it difficult to get my mind around all the stuff that needs to be done.  By done, I mean planned.  Never having gone down this road before, it is hard for me to imagine all that this will entail.

We have a contractor.  We have someone to do the electric and, I think, the plumbing. We need to order the logs and windows and porches and roof and all that stuff.  I think it all comes in a couple of packages from the log company.  We will need to arrange for the solar power, the geothermal, the excavater, well digger, sewer folks, it goes on and on.  And that seems to be only the beginning.

Personnally, I am looking forward to the part where something other than planning starts.  This planning has been going on for months now. Months.  I grow weary of just talking about it and talking and talking. I know, this is a very necessary thing.  If it was yarn or floss we were dealing with here, I would really be into the talking, too.  But it isn't and I'm not.  Maybe I should be, but I'm not. And, I suspect this is like an iceberg.  What you see is not what you get, only a teeny tiny part of it. 

Then there is the deciding.  Scarier than planning.  What kind of wood floors, what kind of windows, what color to stain it all.  Straight stairs or curvy ones. I voted for curvy but I think we are getting straight ones.  I wanted that slide thingy that is all over Pinterest.  Guess what.  Nope, not happening. 

So now we wait.  Gotta get permits and the contracter has to get back from Kentucky and his emergency house build.  Then we get to plan and decide.  More later....  

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Day One

The dye is cast.  The papers are signed. We order Lincoln logs next week.  Thus begins a journey that for me is really starting now, but for my husband began 50 years ago.

We are building a log home. It sounds so simple, doesn't it?  Not. He has been planning this move for years.  He knows what it looks like and how it will be placed on the property. It will be made in the Appalachian style.  This means in the style that was built here, in this area, when the nation was young and cheeky. Dovetail corners, handhewn big logs, white chinking.

For me, it means wide, wraparound porches and a dining room.  That pretty much covers it for me, as the walk in refrigerator was nixed. 

I fear this will not be a simple journey. Nothing of value is, I guess.  Please bear with me.  I may be using this platform to do a bit of venting from time to time. Otherwise, this will be my attempt to document the journey.  The good and bad, the funny and even more ridiculous.  Basically, the crazyness of the situation, from the beginning to the big old blow out party at the end.  I hope you will understand and stick with me.  Please, advise and condolences are encouraged and some days be genuinely badly needed. 

And, yes, Kayleigh, my punctuation will get better.  I promise.