Sunday, September 1, 2013

Still no blocks

Okay. This has officially passed into the ridiculous. No block layer. The second one we thought we had has become non communicative, once he found out we already have an excavator and only need concrete and block work done. He has not returned a call in about a week. I am ready to get someone on my own. The neighbor next door says he knows someone that lays block, but no, we can't call him because we might piss someone off, per the old guy. Well, do I count at all? On top of that, he wants to have the ground breaking. Now. Like immediately. Like, isn't this a bit premature? No, he wants to do it NOW!!! Okay. What ever. I am becoming very weary of this project an it is not yet even a hole in the ground. So, tomorrow around 3 PM, we will dig a few shovels of dirt, drink a toast and repair to The Olde Mill for ice cream. Joy! The builder is still out of town, I believe. Is it possible that when he gets back that he will be home long enough to get this thing rolling? Or will he, too, disappear again? I am concerned that he is not going to be able to give our project his full attention if and when it gets going. He seems to be a very busy man. Yes, I am negative today. Maybe we can get the first guy for blocks and the second guy for concrete work and skip the second go between all together, since he is the one not talking. I am tired and it is only 10 AM. On the other hand, apparently the logs will be part of the log folks Fall program. The have a seminar type thingy in the fall, 2 weeks from now, that they use for showcasing their products, etc. Out logs will be the ones they will be using in the hand hewing demo. The old guy is so excited. He wants to go and watch. Of course he does. The logs have, again, been scheduled for delivery, now in late September. At the rate we are going, a new date may be needed. Maybe 3 times will be the charm. lets hope we can get this thing moving in the near future. I do believe that Christmas there is now absolutely out of the question. I am not sure that it will even be closed in by then. And I am not sure the driveway is up to a fall and winter build. But, then, that is another story that we will not go into right now.

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